Thursday, May 1, 2008

Awe the Valley

Valley Live'n
Last weekend, I took an extra day due to the fact that I was working until Saturday night. After Warp Tech, a school fundraiser, Turtle and I headed down to the Valley for the first time since last November. Justin has just moved back to the ditch for work and it was great to see him and catch-up. As always, the valley was beautiful. Although the weather was a bit warm, I made a conscience attempt to do a little reconnaissance for future problems and projects. Before Mission I’m-lost-and-don’t-know-where-to-begin began, both Justin and Wick wanted to work on their respective goals. For Wick it is an obsession of Thriller that could plausibly cause his school grades to take a back seat until it is sent, while for Justin it is the goal of doing a new problem every time he heads out. The day’s choice was All Hands on Deck, a problem that requires nerves and the ability to perform circus tricks on command. For me the mission of the weekend was made easier due to the fact that Wick and Colton were down to explore the valley’s bouldering a little more. The discovery was Cathedral and two lines called Octagon and The King.

On a side note: I bought a new Giants hat under the sole condition that I keep it and wear it, without buying a new one, until the G-men win the pennant. It might take them a few years, but I felt that as my hat grows in comfort and shape the team would grow together in ability. Hum-Baby Go Giants!! And thank God Zito is out of the rotation!!!

-Peter, the Fan